Access denied when using GRANT ALL ON *.* in AWS RDS Mysql

I was totally unaware about the fact that even a master account doesn’t have all the privileges in an RDS database(MySQL) until I got stuck with this issue. Today, I was asked to create a secondary admin user in one of our production DB with all privileges. The MySQL DB instance was running in AWS RDS. I tried the following command

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Simulate upstream proxy timeout using nodejs

This is something that I have came across while tuning an nginx server which has multiple tomcat instances as upstream. We were trying to adjust the read timeout of the upstream proxies. It is hard to simulate this by stopping the backend as it will throw a 503 bad gateway. So, for simulating this, we used a nodejs script.

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Monitor ECS agent uptime using crontab and SNS

The Amazon ECS container agent allows container instances to connect to your cluster. If this agent is down for some reason, deployments to the service won’t be reflected in the instance and can cause discrepancy.
Here is a one-liner to check if ECS agent container is running. If it is not running, we are making use of AWS SNS service to send a notification to a topic.
if [ -z $(docker ps -f “name=ecs-agent” -f “status=running” -q) ]; then /usr/bin/aws –region=us-east-1 sns publish –topic-arn “arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:Topicname” –message “ECS Agent is not running in $HOSTNAME.”; fi
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Custom error code in nginx

In some cases, we might need to throw a custom/different error code for a specific issue. For example, we can throw a different error to the end user even if the backend node is down. We can do that in nginx as in the example below.
server {
listen 8080;
server_name [;](;)
error_page 502 503 504 =204 /temperror;
location /temperror {
return 204;
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Renaming git branch

1. Rename your local branch.
If you are on the branch you want to rename:
git branch -m new-name
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